This is Richard from Aardvark Video and we sponsor, featuring Ginny DePaso, the (tax-deductible) Annual Yoga/Qi Gong Fundraiser amongst the LIONS and OZZIE the GIRAFFE on October 7th &/or 8th at the Lion Habitat Ranch animal sanctuary/zoo non-profit in Henderson, NV.
It is conducted by celebrity Guest Star Certified Master “Doc Phineas and well-known Certified Yoga Instructor “Sindi Keene”.
This also includes a VIP Package, Raffles, and an Auction. You must be at least 15 years old to participate.
Register today! – (click on the “Book Online Now” button) AT AN EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT RATE OF ONLY $25 available through July! Get out of the house, you don’t want to miss this fun event Contact us at Aardvark Video for more information.